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1. Zazuli, Z., L.S. Otten, B.I. Drögemöller, M. Medeiros, J.G. Monzon, G.E.B. Wright, C.K. Kollmannsberger, P.L. Bedard, Z. Chen, K.A. Gelmon, N. McGoldrick, A. Kitchlu, S.J.H. Vijverberg, R. Masereeuw, C.J.D. Ross, G. Liu, B.C. Carleton, and A.H. Maitland-van der Zee, Outcome Definition Influences the Relationship Between Genetic Polymorphisms of. Genes (Basel), 2019. 10(5).

36Tomasini, P., C. Mascaux, K. Jao, C. Labbe, S. Kamel-Reid, T. Stockley, D.M. Hwang, N.B. Leighl, G. Liu, P.A. Bradbury, M. Pintilie, M.S. Tsao, and F.A. Shepherd, Effect of Coexisting KRAS and TP53 Mutations in Patients Treated With Chemotherapy for Non-small-cell Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer, 2019. 20(3): p. e338-e345.

2. Soldera, S.V., S. Shakik, H. Naik, M. Moskovitz, J. Chen, N. Mittmann, W. Xu, A. Hope, A. Bezjak, A. Parajian, S. Keshavjee, and G. Liu, Favourable health-related quality of life reported in survivors of thymic malignancies. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2019. 55(2): p. 292-299.

3. Shepshelovich, D., W. Xu, L. Lu, A. Fares, P. Yang, D. Christiani, J. Zhang, K. Shiraishi, B.M. Ryan, C. Chen, A.G. Schwartz, A. Tardon, X. Wu, M.B. Schabath, M.D. Teare, L. Le Marchand, Z.F. Zhang, J.K. Field, H. Brenner, N. Daio, J. Xie, T. Kohno, C.C. Harris, A.S. Wenzlaff, G. Fernandez-Tardon, Y. Ye, F. Taylor, L.R. Wilkens, M. Davies, Y. Liu, M.J. Barnett, G.E. Goodman, H. Morgenstern, B. Holleczek, M.C. Brown, G. Liu, and R. Hung, Body mass index (BMI), BMI change, and overall survival in small cell and non-small cell lung cancer patients: a pooled analysis of the International Lung Cancer Consortium. J Thorac Oncol, 2019.

4. Ren, J., W. Yang, S. Su, X. Ren, R. Fazelzad, Z. Yu, T. Albert, D. Goldstein, J. de Almeida, A. Hansen, R. Jang, S. Bratman, A. Hope, R. Chen, J. Wang, Y. Xu, D. Cheng, W. Xu, and G. Liu, Human Papillomavirus and p16 Immunostaining, Prevalence and Prognosis of Squamous Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in the Head and Neck Region. International Journal of Cancer, 2019. 145.

5. O'Kane, G.M., J. Su, B.C. Tse, V. Tam, T. Tse, L. Lu, M. Borean, E. Tam, C. Labbe, H. Naik, N. Mittmann, M.K. Doherty, P.A. Bradbury, N.B. Leighl, F.A. Shepherd, N.M. Richard, K. Edelstein, D. Shultz, M.C. Brown, W. Xu, D. Howell, and G. Liu, The Impact of Brain Metastases and Associated Neurocognitive Aspects on Health Utility Scores in EGFR Mutated and ALK Rearranged NSCLC: A Real World Evidence Analysis. Oncologist, 2019.

6. O'Kane, G.M., G. Liu, T.L. Stockley, M. Shabir, T. Zhang, J.H. Law, L.W. Le, A. Sacher, F.A. Shepherd, P.A. Bradbury, and N.B. Leighl, The presence and variant allele fraction of EGFR mutations in ctDNA and development of resistance. Lung Cancer, 2019. 131: p. 86-89.

7. Liu, S.Y., L. Lu, D. Pringle, M. Mahler, C. Niu, R. Charow, K. Tiessen, C. Lam, O. Halytskyy, H. Naik, H. Hon, M. Irwin, V. Pat, C. Gonos, C.W.T. Chan, J. Villeneuve, R.M. Shani, M. Chaudhry, M.C. Brown, P. Selby, D. Howell, W. Xu, S.M.H. Alibhai, J.M. Jones, G. Liu, and L. Eng, Impact of immigration status on health behaviors and perceptions in cancer survivors. Cancer Med, 2019. 8(5): p. 2623-2635.

8. Lee, M.J., N. Kuehne, K. Hueniken, S. Liang, S. Rai, H. Sorotsky, M. Herman, D. Shepshelovich, J. Bruce, M. Liang, D. Patel, D. Cheng, Z. Chen, L. Eng, M.C. Brown, J. Cho, N.B. Leighl, M. de Perrot, D. Reisman, W. Xu, P.A. Bradbury, and G. Liu, Association of two BRM promoter polymorphisms and smoking status with malignant pleural mesothelioma risk and prognosis. Mol Carcinog, 2019.

9. Kachuri, L., O. Saarela, S.E. Bojesen, G. Davey Smith, G. Liu, M.T. Landi, N.E. Caporaso, D.C. Christiani, M. Johansson, S. Panico, K. Overvad, A. Trichopoulou, P. Vineis, G. Scelo, D. Zaridze, X. Wu, D. Albanes, B. Diergaarde, P. Lagiou, G.J. Macfarlane, M.C. Aldrich, A. Tardón, G. Rennert, A.F. Olshan, M.C. Weissler, C. Chen, G.E. Goodman, J.A. Doherty, A.R. Ness, H. Bickeböller, H.E. Wichmann, A. Risch, J.K. Field, M.D. Teare, L.A. Kiemeney, E. van der Heijden, J.C. Carroll, A. Haugen, S. Zienolddiny, V. Skaug, V. Wünsch-Filho, E.H. Tajara, R. Ayoub Moysés, F. Daumas Nunes, S. Lam, J. Eluf-Neto, M. Lacko, W.H.M. Peters, L. Le Marchand, E.J. Duell, A.S. Andrew, S. Franceschi, M.B. Schabath, J. Manjer, S. Arnold, P. Lazarus, A. Mukeriya, B. Swiatkowska, V. Janout, I. Holcatova, J. Stojsic, D. Mates, J. Lissowska, S. Boccia, C. Lesseur, X. Zong, J.D. McKay, P. Brennan, C.I. Amos, and R.J. Hung, Mendelian Randomization and mediation analysis of leukocyte telomere length and risk of lung and head and neck cancers. Int J Epidemiol, 2019. 48(3): p. 751-766.

10. Kachuri, L., J. Helby, S.E. Bojesen, D.C. Christiani, L. Su, X. Wu, A. Tardon, G. Fernandez-Tardon, J.K. Field, M.P. Davies, C. Chen, G.E. Goodman, F.A. Shepherd, N.B. Leighl, M.S. Tsao, Y. Brhane, M.C. Brown, K. Boyd, D. Shepshelovich, L. Sun, C.I. Amos, G. Liu, and R.J. Hung, Investigation of Leukocyte Telomere Length and Genetic Variants in Chromosome 5p15.33 as Prognostic Markers in Lung Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2019. 28(7): p. 1228-1237.

11. Jiang, S.X., R.N. Walton, K. Hueniken, J. Baek, A. McCartney, C. Labbé, E. Smith, S.W.S. Chan, R. Chen, C. Brown, D. Patel, M. Liang, L. Eng, A. Sacher, P. Bradbury, N.B. Leighl, F.A. Shepherd, W. Xu, G. Liu, M. Hurry, and G.M. O'Kane, Real-world health utility scores and toxicities to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in epidermal growth factor receptor mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Medicine, 2019. 8(18): p. 7542-7555.

12. Hall, E., E. Tam, M. Liang, Q. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Wong, S. Sarabia, S. Yeung, G. Gill, L. Eng, A. Perez-Cosio, M.C. Brown, W. Xu, M. Li, N. Mittmann, J. Jones, D. Howell, and G. Liu, Development and prospective evaluation of CAPLET, a cancer ambulatory patient physical function longitudinal evaluation tool for routine clinical practice. Support Care Cancer, 2019. 27(2): p. 521-530.

13. Giuliani, M.E., G. Liu, W. Xu, M. Dirlea, P. Selby, J. Papadakos, N. Abdelmutti, D. Yang, L. Eng, D.P. Goldstein, and J.M. Jones, Implementation of a Novel Electronic Patient-Directed Smoking Cessation Platform for Cancer Patients: Interrupted Time Series Analysis. Journal of medical Internet research, 2019. 21(4): p. e11735-e11735.

14. Ezeife, D.A., B.J. Morganstein, S. Lau, J.H. Law, L.W. Le, J. Bredle, D. Cella, M.K. Doherty, P. Bradbury, G. Liu, A. Sacher, F.A. Shepherd, and N.B. Leighl, Financial Burden Among Patients With Lung Cancer in a Publically Funded Health Care System. Clin Lung Cancer, 2019. 20(4): p. 231-236.

50Eng, L., D. Pringle, J. Su, O. Espin-Garcia, C. Niu, M. Mahler, O. Halytskyy, R. Charow, C. Lam, R.M. Shani, J. Villeneuve, K. Tiessen, A. Dobriyal, A. Zarrin, A. Vennettilli, M.C. Brown, S.M.H. Alibhai, D. Howell, J.M. Jones, P. Selby, W. Xu, and G. Liu, Patterns, perceptions and their association with changes in alcohol consumption in cancer survivors. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 2019. 28(1): p. e12933.

15. Albaba, H., T.A. Barnes, Z. Veitch, M.C. Brown, S. Shakik, S. Su, H. Naik, T. Wang, M. Liang, A. Perez-Cosio, L. Eng, N. Mittmann, W. Xu, D. Howell, and G. Liu, Acceptability of Routine Evaluations Using Patient-Reported Outcomes of Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events and Other Patient-Reported Symptom Outcome Tools in Cancer Outpatients: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Experience. Oncologist, 2019. 24(11): p. e1219-e1227.

16. Aggarwal, R., A.C.L. Lam, M. McGregor, R. Menezes, K. Hueniken, H. Tateishi, G.M. O'Kane, M.S. Tsao, F.A. Shepherd, W. Xu, M. McInnis, H. Schmidt, G. Liu, and J. Kavanagh, Outcomes of Long-term Interval Rescreening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer in Different Risk Cohorts. J Thorac Oncol, 2019. 14(6): p. 1003-1011.

17. Zazuli, Z., S. Vijverberg, E. Slob, G. Liu, B. Carleton, J. Veltman, P. Baas, R. Masereeuw, and A.-H. Maitland-van der Zee, Genetic Variations and Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2018. 9: p. 1111-1111.

18. Teichman, J., L. Dodbiba, H. Thai, A. Fleet, T. Morey, L. Liu, M. McGregor, D. Cheng, Z. Chen, G. Darling, Y. Brhane, Y. Song, O. Espin-Garcia, W. Xu, H. Girgis, J. Schwock, H. MacKay, R. Bristow, L. Ailles, and G. Liu, Hedgehog inhibition mediates radiation sensitivity in mouse xenograft models of human esophageal adenocarcinoma. PLoS One, 2018. 13(5): p. e0194809.

19. Shepshelovich, D., A.R. Townsend, O. Espin-Garcia, L. Latifovic, C.J. O'Callaghan, D.J. Jonker, D. Tu, E. Chen, E. Morgen, T.J. Price, J. Shapiro, L.L. Siu, M. Kubo, A. Dobrovic, M.J. Ratain, W. Xu, T. Mushiroda, and G. Liu, Fc-gamma receptor polymorphisms, cetuximab therapy, and overall survival in the CCTG CO.20 trial of metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Med, 2018. 7(11): p. 5478-5487.

20. Moradian, S., M.K. Krzyzanowska, R. Maguire, P.P. Morita, V. Kukreti, J. Avery, G. Liu, J. Cafazzo, and D. Howell, Usability Evaluation of a Mobile Phone-Based System for Remote Monitoring and Management of Chemotherapy-Related Side Effects in Cancer Patients: Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR Cancer, 2018. 4(2): p. e10932.

21. Korpanty, G.J., S. Kamel-Reid, M. Pintilie, D.M. Hwang, A. Zer, G. Liu, N.B. Leighl, R. Feld, L.L. Siu, P.L. Bedard, M.-S. Tsao, and F.A. Shepherd, Lung cancer in never smokers from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Oncotarget, 2018. 9(32): p. 22559-22570.

22. Herman, M., M.T. Warkentin, D. Shepshelovich, L. Latifovic, R. Hung, and G. Liu, Heritable Germline Variation and Lung Cancer Susceptibility: One Size Does not Fit All. J Thorac Oncol, 2018. 13(5): p. 601-602.

23. Eng, L., D. Pringle, J. Su, X. Shen, M. Mahler, C. Niu, R. Charow, K. Tiessen, C. Lam, O. Halytskyy, H. Naik, H. Hon, M. Irwin, V. Pat, C. Gonos, C. Chan, J. Villeneuve, L. Harland, R.M. Shani, M.C. Brown, P. Selby, D. Howell, W. Xu, G. Liu, S.M.H. Alibhai, and J.M. Jones, Patterns, perceptions, and perceived barriers to physical activity in adult cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer, 2018. 26(11): p. 3755-3763.

24. Doherty, M.K., Y. Leung, J. Su, H. Naik, D. Patel, L. Eng, Q.Q. Kong, F. Mohsin, M.C. Brown, O. Espin-Garcia, A. Vennettilli, D.J. Renouf, O.O. Faluyi, J.J. Knox, H. MacKay, R. Wong, D. Howell, N. Mittmann, G.E. Darling, D. Cella, W. Xu, and G. Liu, Health utility scores from EQ-5D and health-related quality of life in patients with esophageal cancer: a real-world cross-sectional study. Dis Esophagus, 2018. 31(12).

25. Borean, M., K. Shani, M.C. Brown, J. Chen, M. Liang, J. Karkada, S. Kooner, M.K. Doherty, G.M. O'Kane, R. Jang, E. Elimova, R.K. Wong, G.E. Darling, W. Xu, D. Howell, and G. Liu, Development and evaluation of screening dysphagia tools for observational studies and routine care in cancer patients. Health Sci Rep, 2018. 1(7): p. e48.

26. Alton, D., L. Eng, L. Lu, Y. Song, J. Su, D. Farzanfar, R. Mohan, O. Krys, K. Mattina, C. Harper, S. Liu, T. Yoannidis, R. Milne, M.C. Brown, A. Vennettilli, A.J. Hope, D. Howell, J.M. Jones, P. Selby, W. Xu, D.P. Goldstein, G. Liu, and M.E. Giuliani, Perceptions of Continued Smoking and Smoking Cessation Among Patients With Cancer. J Oncol Pract, 2018. 14(5): p. e269-e279.

27. Spreafico, A., L. Coate, R. Zhai, W. Xu, Z.F. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Patel, B. Tse, M.C. Brown, R.S. Heist, L. Dodbiba, J. Teichman, M. Kulke, L. Su, L. Eng, J. Knox, R. Wong, G.E. Darling, D.C. Christiani, and G. Liu, Early adulthood body mass index, cumulative smoking, and esophageal adenocarcinoma survival. Cancer Epidemiol, 2017. 47: p. 28-34.

28. O'Kane, G.M., P.A. Bradbury, R. Feld, N.B. Leighl, G. Liu, K.M. Pisters, S. Kamel-Reid, M.S. Tsao, and F.A. Shepherd, Uncommon EGFR mutations in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2017. 109: p. 137-144.

29. Naik, H., D. Howell, S. Su, X. Qiu, M.C. Brown, A. Vennettilli, M. Irwin, V. Pat, H. Solomon, T. Wang, H. Hon, L. Eng, M. Mahler, H. Thai, V. Ho, W. Xu, S.J. Seung, N. Mittmann, and G. Liu, EQ-5D Health Utility Scores: Data from a Comprehensive Canadian Cancer Centre. Patient, 2017. 10(1): p. 105-115.

30. Liu, G., S. Cuffe, S. Liang, A.K. Azad, L. Cheng, Y. Brhane, X. Qiu, D.W. Cescon, J. Bruce, Z. Chen, D. Cheng, D. Patel, B.C. Tse, S.A. Laurie, G. Goss, N.B. Leighl, R. Hung, P.A. Bradbury, L. Seymour, F.A. Shepherd, M.S. Tsao, B.E. Chen, W. Xu, and D.N. Reisman, BRM Promoter Polymorphisms and Survival of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients in the Princess Margaret Cohort and CCTG BR.24 Trial. Clin Cancer Res, 2017. 23(10): p. 2460-2470.

31. Lam, C., W.F. Liu, R.D. Bel, K. Chan, L. Miller, M.C. Brown, Z. Chen, D. Cheng, D. Patel, W. Xu, G.E. Darling, and G. Liu, Polymorphisms of the FOXF1 and MHC locus genes in individuals undergoing esophageal acid reflux assessments. Dis Esophagus, 2017. 30(2): p. 1-7.

32. Labbe, C., Y. Leung, J.G. Silva Lemes, E. Stewart, C. Brown, A.P. Cosio, M. Doherty, G.M. O'Kane, D. Patel, N. Cheng, M. Liang, G. Gill, A. Rett, H. Naik, L. Eng, N. Mittmann, N.B. Leighl, P.A. Bradbury, F.A. Shepherd, W. Xu, G. Liu, and D. Howell, Real-World EQ5D Health Utility Scores for Patients With Metastatic Lung Cancer by Molecular Alteration and Response to Therapy. Clin Lung Cancer, 2017. 18(4): p. 388-395.e4.

33. Labbé, C., M. Cabanero, G.J. Korpanty, P. Tomasini, M.K. Doherty, C. Mascaux, K. Jao, B. Pitcher, R. Wang, M. Pintilie, N.B. Leighl, R. Feld, G. Liu, P.A. Bradbury, S. Kamel-Reid, M.S. Tsao, and F.A. Shepherd, Prognostic and predictive effects of TP53 co-mutation in patients with EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Lung Cancer, 2017. 111: p. 23-29.

34. Korpanty, G.J., L. Eng, X. Qiu, O.O. Faluyi, D.J. Renouf, D. Cheng, D. Patel, Z. Chen, B.C. Tse, J.J. Knox, L. Dodbiba, J. Teichman, A.K. Azad, R. Wong, G. Darling, D. Reisman, S. Cuffe, G. Liu, and W. Xu, Association of BRM promoter polymorphisms and esophageal adenocarcinoma outcome. Oncotarget, 2017. 8(17): p. 28093-28100.

35. Habbous, S., K.P. Chu, H. Lau, M. Schorr, M. Belayneh, M.N. Ha, S. Murray, B. O'Sullivan, S.H. Huang, S. Snow, M. Parliament, D. Hao, W.Y. Cheung, W. Xu, and G. Liu, Human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal cancer in Canada: analysis of 5 comprehensive cancer centres using multiple imputation. CMAJ, 2017. 189(32): p. E1030-E1040.

36. Gama, R.R., Y. Song, Q. Zhang, M.C. Brown, J. Wang, S. Habbous, L. Tong, S.H. Huang, B. O'Sullivan, J. Waldron, W. Xu, D. Goldstein, and G. Liu, Body mass index and prognosis in patients with head and neck cancer. Head Neck, 2017. 39(6): p. 1226-1233.

37. Faluyi, O.O., L. Eng, X. Qiu, J. Che, Q. Zhang, D. Cheng, N. Ying, A. Tse, Q. Kuang, L. Dodbiba, D.J. Renouf, S. Marsh, S. Savas, H.J. Mackay, J.J. Knox, G.E. Darling, R.K. Wong, W. Xu, A.K. Azad, and G. Liu, Validation of microRNA pathway polymorphisms in esophageal adenocarcinoma survival. Cancer Med, 2017. 6(2): p. 361-373.

38. Doherty, M.K., G.J. Korpanty, P. Tomasini, M. Alizadeh, K. Jao, C. Labbé, C.M. Mascaux, P. Martin, S. Kamel-Reid, M.S. Tsao, M. Pintilie, G. Liu, P.A. Bradbury, R. Feld, N.B. Leighl, C. Chung, and F.A. Shepherd, Treatment options for patients with brain metastases from EGFR/ALK-driven lung cancer. Radiother Oncol, 2017. 123(2): p. 195-202.

39. Wang, J.R., S. Habbous, O. Espin-Garcia, D. Chen, S.H. Huang, C. Simpson, W. Xu, F.F. Liu, D.H. Brown, R.W. Gilbert, P.J. Gullane, J.C. Irish, D.P. Goldstein, and G. Liu, Comorbidity and performance status as independent prognostic factors in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head Neck, 2016. 38(5): p. 736-42.

40. Segedi, M., L.N. Anderson, O. Espin-Garcia, A. Borgida, T. Bianco, D. Cheng, Z. Chen, D. Patel, M.C. Brown, W. Xu, D. Reisman, S. Gallinger, M. Cotterchio, R. Hung, G. Liu, and S.P. Cleary, BRM polymorphisms, pancreatic cancer risk and survival. Int J Cancer, 2016. 139(11): p. 2474-81.

41. Naik, H., X. Qiu, M.C. Brown, M. Mahler, H. Hon, K. Tiessen, H. Thai, V. Ho, C. Gonos, R. Charow, V. Pat, M. Irwin, L. Herzog, A. Ho, W. Xu, D. Howell, S.J. Seung, G. Liu, and N. Mittmann, Cancer Patients? Willingness to Routinely Complete the EQ-5D Instrument at Clinic Visits. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol, 2016. 23(3): p. e196-e204.

42. Naik, H., X. Qiu, M.C. Brown, L. Eng, D. Pringle, M. Mahler, H. Hon, K. Tiessen, H. Thai, V. Ho, C. Gonos, R. Charow, V. Pat, M. Irwin, L. Herzog, A. Ho, W. Xu, J.M. Jones, D. Howell, and G. Liu, Socioeconomic status and lifestyle behaviours in cancer survivors: smoking and physical activity. Curr Oncol, 2016. 23(6): p. e546-e555.

43. Martin, P., E. Stewart, N.A. Pham, C. Mascaux, D. Panchal, M. Li, L. Kim, S. Sakashita, D. Wang, J. Sykes, T. Friess, F.A. Shepherd, G. Liu, and M.S. Tsao, Cetuximab Inhibits T790M-Mediated Resistance to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in a Lung Adenocarcinoma Patient-Derived Xenograft Mouse Model. Clin Lung Cancer, 2016. 17(5): p. 375-383.e2.

44. Martin, P., M.C. Brown, O. Espin-Garcia, S. Cuffe, D. Pringle, M. Mahler, J. Villeneuve, C. Niu, R. Charow, C. Lam, R.M. Shani, H. Hon, M. Otsuka, W. Xu, S. Alibhai, J. Jenkinson, and G. Liu, Patient preference: a comparison of electronic patient-completed questionnaires with paper among cancer patients. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 2016. 25(2): p. 334-41.

45. Leung, Y.W., C. Brown, A.P. Cosio, A. Dobriyal, N. Malik, V. Pat, M. Irwin, P. Tomasini, G. Liu, and D. Howell, Feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) item banks for routine surveillance of sleep and fatigue problems in ambulatory cancer care. Cancer, 2016. 122(18): p. 2906-17.



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