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Liu Lab

The Geoffrey Liu laboratory is a multidisciplinary, collaborative translational laboratory that seeks to improve outcomes in cancer. The laboratory has four main programs and a multi-level training program:

AMP-PEL program:​ 

stands for Applied Molecular, Pharmacoepidemiologic, Pharmacogenomic, and Epidemiologic Laboratory, and focuses on identifying and validating cancer biomarkers:

  • Project 1: OPTIMAL:Organoids to guide Post-resistanceTherapyIn driver MutAtedLung cancers which utilizes the PALMS(PAtient-derivedLung cancer ModelS) gold cohort of data and samples

  • Project 2: human population studies (COS-ILCCO: Clinical Outcomes Studies of the International Lung Cancer Consortium Studies of Clinical Outcomes) and understanding

  • Project 3: developing improved patient phenotyping of symptoms and toxicities: (2BLAST: Biostatistical and Bioinformatic Longitudinal Assessment of Symptoms and Toxicities)

  • Project 4: PRALINES:PRincessMargaret Adenocarcinoma of Lung cancer InNeversmokErsStudy, which utilizes the ALINE (Adenocarcinoma of Lung cancer InNeversmokEr) gold cohort of data and samples

  • Project 5: CPHIN Lung KSP:CanadianPersonalized Healthcare Innovation Network Lung cancer Kick Start Program 

CALIBRE program:

 stands for Clinical And LIquid biopsy, Breathomics, and Radiomics for Early detection of Cancer


AIM    REDUCE program:

stands for An Intelligent Machine-learning Model for Real-time Early Detection of Undesirable Cancer Events

  • Project 1: Natural language processing (NLP) methodologies to extract accurate and detailed information from radiology reports

  • Project 2: NLP methodologies to identify the presence of precancerous lesions in surgical pathology reports


ON-PROST program: 

stands for ONtario Patient Reported Outcomes of Symptoms and Toxicity​

CLINTA stands for CLInic-based New Technology Applications

  • Project 1: SPOCH: Serial Point-Of-CareHearing tests for ototoxic cancertherapies

  • Project 2: STAQ-home: Symptoms, Toxicities And Quality-of-Life data collection at home

  • Project 3: EPEQ: ElectronicPlatforms for EpidemiologyQuestionnaires

 CHUQoLS (pronounced Chuckles) which stands for Cancer Health Utilities and Quality of Life Studies

  • Project 1: CARMA BROS: the CAnadian RareMolecular Alterations Basket Real-world Observational Study

  • Project 2: PALEOS: PAn-Canadian Lung cancEr Observational Study

  • Project 3 CASCADE: Canadian Small cell lung cAncer DatabasE

HANG-OUT program:

​stands for Head And Neck cancer network for Genetics, Observational oUtcomes, and Toxicities: A combined OPTIMAL and ON-PROST initiative


Genetics of Smoking Outcomes and Knowledge Effects  

Genetics of Long and Short-term Toxicities

  • Project 3: VOYAGER consortium: humanpapilloma Virus, Oral and oropharYngeal cAncer, GEnomicsand suRvival

  • Project 4: ENHANCE consortium: International Head And Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium 

COMBIEL Training Program: Cancer Outcomes, Medicine, Biostatistics, Informatics, EpidemiologyLaboratory Training Program (see for details)



Geoffrey Liu Lab
101 College Avenue PMCRT 11-704
Toronto,  M4G0A3


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